
Happy 2019!

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

-Neale Donald Walsch

Happy New Year! 

We talk a lot about our comfort zone during class.  This is a place where most things feel familiar and easy.  When we ask you to step out of your comfort zone, we are really asking you to be brave and find the courage to try something new or unfamiliar.  It’s outside the comfort zone where the magic takes place and change occurs.  An invitation to try is all we are asking, but you are in total control of your effort and intensity, and that my friends, is very empowering.

As the year comes to an end, I look back for a moment only to remember all the many things I am grateful for.  I look back only for a moment of reflection to acknowledge the mistakes I made, celebrate the many great accomplishments and learn from the lessons life has taught me. 

I choose to look forward into the future rather than back.  2019 will be fantastic!  It’s about being deliberate with your intensions and actions to make what you want to happen in your life come to fruition.  I am excited for the new year and what possibilities it will bring!  I will continue to work to keep the workouts fresh and challenging so your barre practice never plateaus and you become stronger each workout.  Look for subtle changes coming to the format that will push your stamina and endurance while teaching you to find the calm in the chaos.  Teaching your mind to be strong when you feel weak is something to focus on in 2019.

I feel pure joy and gratitude when I think of how far our studio in the Valley has come.  I’m beyond excited to see where the Medina studio is headed.  The studios have become such a safe haven for so many of us.  A sacred space to be vulnerable and honest with ourselves.  To own our truth and stand up for ourselves.  Our hope at Tru Barre is that you use all the lessons you learn in class and attempt to apply them in your life away from the barre.  I thank all of YOU for making my studio such an important part of so many peoples’ lives.  Our barre community has been life changing for many.  To feel fearless and accepted no matter what, is a special place to find.

In our barre method we teach how to become mindful and present in the moment. Our lifestyles have become so full and stressful, it’s my hope in the new year you will commit to more self-care.  Making a commitment to yourself to carve out more ME time.  It’s not selfish, it’s vital for our long-term health.  Maybe you can take advantage of the classes with the extended stretch and mindfulness at the end of class.  You will love how it clears your mind and relaxes your body.  Also, look for Yoga Workshops on the weekends to compliment your barre practice and better your mindfulness training.  The GRID foam rollers are for sale at the studio.  They are available for use before and after class.  Feel free to grab one and roll out on those days you’re feeling tight.

I hope the New Year brings you much happiness and a peaceful soul.  Be kind to yourself and quiet your inner critic.  We support you wanting to resolve to improve, but we hope you resolve to love yourself where are as well. Be okay with where you are in life and know change is always in your control.  Cheers to a healthy New Year!


                  “And suddenly you know:  It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings”

-Meister Eckhart