Commitment & consistency in the new year

Barre Babes,

As 2017 comes to an end, I want to thank all of you, our amazing clients, for your continued support and trust in Tru Barre Studio.  Our Tru Barre community is strong and committed to health.  I love to watch all the positive energy before class with clients chatting and sharing stories.  The energy that pours into the room during our workouts is often times overwhelming, but amazing!  Then ending each class with a sense of pride and accomplishment that sends us out into our day calm, strong, and ready to face whatever comes our way.

I also want to acknowledge how grateful and over-the-top impressed I am by each of my dedicated instructors.  They deliver this awesome workout to you each class.  Their mastery of our technique is obvious.  They show their ability to motivate and encourage each student to be successful. Helping clients find their own path and allowing them to listen to their own body wisdom is our constant focus. They provide a safe, yet effective workout each time they step into the studio. They are excellent fitness instructors and they make me proud every class they teach. 

I hope you reached many of your goals in 2017.  At this time of year we reflect on what was accomplished and what may still need some work. If you have some unfinished business, keep working away at it.  As we know, consistency is key.  Use these first few days of the new year to set some new goals for yourself.  We have a clean slate and a fresh start with the approaching New Year. 365 chances to slay at the barre!

Look for new class formats coming onto the schedule in 2018.  We love how committed you are to your practice.  We recognize that being healthy and fit is so much more than just exercise. In 2018, we want to bring your fitness goals full circle.  We will be offering Foam Roller Release sessions.  Also, a Stretch for Relaxation Express class, to assist with your recovery.  Self-care is such a big part of being healthy. These are just a few ways to love your body even more. 

I am truly blessed to be able to do what I love each day. I am constantly striving to keep the workouts fresh and challenging. I don’t believe in New Years Resolutions, I believe in positive thinking, which equates to long -term lifestyle changes. Focusing on healing your body with food. Heal your soul with whatever your heart desires. Change won’t happen from your comfort zone, but it will take time, patience, and practice.  Remember this is about YOU and about you only. It’s okay to be a little selfish from time to time. 

Cheers to the best, most authentic, healthiest & happiest version of you and all of that #selflove you’re going to find in 2018. 

Happy New Year,
